Thursday, August 30, 2018

How to Create a Share Directory in Linux

How to create a SAMBA user in Linux

We should have a user account in Linux System to use SAMBA service.

* You should have root privileges to create a new Linux or SAMBA user

Then, first of all, we have to create a Linux user account using the following command using Linux terminal.

*If you already have a user account created on the Linux system, you can skip the Linux user creation part below and proceed with the add samba user account.

[root@buddhika ~]# useradd newuser
User's directory automatically creates when we add a user to the system.

Create a password for the new user you just created
[root@buddhika ~]# passwd newuser

To create a SAMBA user you have to follow the following steps
[root@buddhika ~]## smbpasswd -a chathuhansa

The -a option to add a new SAMBA user to the Samba password list.If you want to modify the existing password for SAMBA users you have to pass command without option -a. Like below

If you want to reset the password you can follow this command (Without -a option)
[root@buddhika ~]#smbpasswd chathuhansa

After the user creation steps, we have to access allow to the directory (Folder) samba share in the /etc/samba/smb.conf configuration file to allow the new user to operate share directory.

[root@buddhika ~]#vi  /etc/samba/smb.conf
# Chathuhansa's Share directory
        [Chathuhansa's Share]
        comment = Chathuhansa's Share directory
        path = /home/chathushansa
        public = yes
        writable = yes

After the above configuration, we have to start/restart/reload service. However, following commands, we can use for the first or initial configuration. If you wish to read furthermore about services read from Redhat official site. 
Not enough  start/restart/reload service. We should set the service to start when turn on the computer.

[root@buddhika ~]#systemctl start smb.service
[root@buddhika ~]#systemctl enable smb.service

To delete SAMBA user

We can delete SAMBA user without affecting Linux user account.
[root@buddhika ~]## smbpasswd -x chathuhansa

But, Further, if you want to delete SAMBA user with the linux user and the directory you should type following command.

[root@buddhika ~]## userdel -r chathuhansa

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Popular Linux Software

  • Fedora
  • Another pivotal Linux distro with new release every year. It brings on the table what cutting edge Linux has to offer and is great for productivity purpose. I found Fedora to be highly stable and offer good performance. Fedora helps me to keep track of the latest happening in Redhat stable. Fedora comes in all flavors: Gnome, KDE, XFCE and LXDE.

    • Ubuntu Clan 
    Primary differences are in the desktop used and the application bundle provided. Ubuntu uses Gnome, Kubuntu KDE, Xubuntu XFCE & Lubuntu LXDE. LXDE & XFCE are lighter than Gnome or Kubuntu. Edubuntu is Ubuntu with educational apps & Ubuntu studio is Ubuntu specialized for multimedia editing and creation.
    • Debian
    The father distro of Ubuntu, Mint and other derivatives. Normally it is classified as "for advanced linux users". I am not a technical geek in any sense but currently running my P4 PC with Debian Squeeze 6.0.5. Debian has both stable (denotes tested & proven release, recommended by Debian), testing (on the way to become stable), unstable (in active development). Current stable distribution is Squeeze, testing is Wheezy and unstable is Sid. 
    • Linux Mint
    Mint, of late, is giving Mate & Cinnamon as well as XFCE as desktop environments which in turn are derived from Gnome 2 & 3 respectively. Essentially this is an Ubuntu derivative with a lot of features packed inside. I found it to work on any system.
      • ArchLinux clan
    Arch itself with a derivatives like Manjaro, Bridge Linux, Archbang, etc. comprise the Arch clan. They are for those who love to experiment with bleeding edge Linux. You can be sure of getting the latest applications and kernels, before any other distro, if you are using Arch. I have Archbang installed on my P4 PC with 1 GB RAM and it runs like a beast offering incredible speed and performance. However, it is not for faint hearted as things may at times break and you may need to get your hands dirty.

    • OpenSuse
    • Puppy Linux
    • Bodhi Linux

    Document Processors

    Complete Suite: Word processor, Spreadsheet & Powerpoint along with Base (similar to Access), Math and Draw
    •  Libreoffice    
    • Open Office  
    • Calligra
     Lightweight Office Suite
    • Abiword   
    • Gnumeric


    Firefox is the best followed by Chrome and Opera


    Most of them works for Gtalk, Yahoo, Facebook & MSN, integrating all at one place.
    • Pidgin 
    •   Empathy 
    • Kopete 
    • X-chat 
    •   Skype
    • Emesene 
    • TeamSpeak

    Facebook, Twitter,

    • Gwibber: Simple but really powerful

    RSS Feed Reader

    • Liferea   
    •   Akregator 
    • RSSOwl

    Email Client

    • Thunderbird  
    • Claws Mail  
    •   Evolution
    • KMail


    • GIMP 
    •  Shotwell 
    • Inkscape 
    • F-Spot 
    • DigiKam 
    • Darktable (to work with dark negatives & raw images)
    Webcam Booth
    • Cheese
    Video Players
    • VLC
    • Totem
    Audio Players
    • Amarok
    • Rhythmbox
    • Banshee
    • Sound Juicer

    •  Clementine

    Saturday, November 17, 2012

    How can hidden directory using ASCII codes.

    You have to follow  following steps.
    Step1-->  Rename directory using ASCII codes (code of black space)
    Step2?  Change folder icon using blank icon
    Step3?  Enable option of Don’t show hidden files, folders or Drives (On View Tab) using  folder option on control panel.

    Step1--> Create a directory whatever place you can
    Step2--> Click right mouse on that directory and select rename option
    Step3--> Rename folder using press and hold Alt key(Alter Key) type 255 or 0160  from the numeric keypad.
    Step4--> Press enter. Then folder name may disappear
    Step5--> Change the folder icon with blank icon

    If you want to access invisible directory press "Ctrl+A" together on your keyboard where you hidden directory then invisible folder will highlight

    Friday, November 16, 2012

    Track emailed IP address

    How do we track IP address of an email sender 

    When we sending and receiving an email message we send and receive more than just the massage. The email comes with headers that carry important information. Then we can understand that mail arrival location. Then we can guess country of origin etc...  For that, We should need to find the IP address of the sender. This will help you to understand said situation.

    1. Log into your Gmail account with your username and password.
    2. Open a received mail.
    3. Click Arrow head parallel to from address to “show originals”
    4. Then will open a new pages with data
    5. Find “Received: from”
    6. You can find IP address font of “Received: from”
    7. That is be the IP address of the sender
    8. If you find more than one Received: from patterns, select the last one
    5. Track the IP address of the sender

    Yahoo Mail
    1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
    2. Open or select a received mail.
    4. Click on the Gear icon on the top of mail
    5. Find “Received: from”
    6. You can find IP address font of “Received: from”
    7. That is be the IP address of the sender

    1. Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
    2. Open a received mail.
    3. Click Arrow head parallel to from address to “View massage source”
    4. Then will open a new page with data
    5. Find “Received: from”
    6. You can find IP address font of “Received: from”
    7. That is be the IP address of the sender
    8. Track the IP address of the sender

    Wednesday, November 14, 2012

    Administrative Sharing on a Windows

    Enable Administrative Sharing on a Windows Workgroup computer

    සාමාන්‍යයෙන් Windows Operating System එකක් computer එකකට install කලාට පසු එම පරිගණකය තුල තියෙන සියලුම partition share නොකර තිබියදීත් එම පරිගණකයේ  Administrator ට password දන්නවා නම් network එකක් හරහා   එම පරිගණකයේ සියලුම  partition වලට ඇතුලත් වෙන්න පුලුවන්. මේකට අපි  කියනවා  administrative   Sharing  කියලා.  ආ.... කියන්න බැරි උනා මේ sharing සාමාන්‍ය ක්‍රමයට sharing  brows කලාට පෙන්නන්නේ නැහැ. අපට අපේ computer එෙක්  administrative   Sharing බලන්න පුලුවන් පහත ආකාරයට.

    Right click "MyComputer" -> "Manage" -> Select "Shared Folders" on the left -> Go to "Shares".

    මේ ක්‍රමයේදී  ෙවනත් පරිගණකයක සිට අපට
    \\ip Addres\C:$  (or  \\MachineName\C$)  ලෙස පරිගණකයේ C: Partition එකට ඇතුලු වෙන්න පුලුවන්.
    D: partition එකට නම් \\ip Addres\D:$  (or  \\MachineName\D$)  ඔන්න ඔය වගේ.
    මේ ටික විතරක් නෙමේ  පහත අයුරිනුත්  පුලුවන් .

    C:\WINDOWS: වලට අැතුලු ෙවන්න \\ip Addres\ADMIN$
     හා   Printer sharing: බලන්නත්  \\ip Addres\print$ මෙලස පුලුවන්.

    නමුත් සමහර විට මෙලෙස ඇතුල් වෙන්න නොහැකි අවස්ථා එන්න පුලුවන් ඒ වගේ අවස්ථාවල  කරන්න  ඕන  පොඩි විසදුමක් මේ. අනෙක් කාරණය තමා මේ වගේ ගැටලු වලදි පරිගණක දැනුම ඇති අය ලබාදෙන විසදුම් විවිධයි.

    1. Open Run dialog box and type “regedit” to Open Registry

    2.  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

    3. On the right-hand side, add a new 32-bit DWORD value (32bit or 64bit, depend on OS version) and name it LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy  and set the value to 1.
    **To remove this you can set the value to 0 or just delete the key.

    4. Restart computer and check the administrative sharing.

    ** හැබැයි Windows Active Directory Domain එකකට  සම්බන්ධ කරපු විගස මේ තත්වය වෙනස් වෙනවා ඒ වගේ වෙලාවට එම පරිගණකයේ සියලු බලතල Active Directory Domain ට ලැබෙනවා.

    ** If you disable "File and print sharing from all computers," any PCs running windows won't be able to log into the domain.

    Disable Administrative Sharing on a Windows Workgroup computer

    ඉහත මම ලියපු කාරණය වගේම තමා ඒකෙ අනික් පැත්ත .   පරිගණකයේ  Administrator password දන්න සමහරෙක් කරදරයක් වෙන්න පුලුවන්. ඒවගේ අවස්ථාවල කොහොමද මේ  sharing නවත්ව ගන්නේ. මෙන්න මේ ටික කරලා බලන්න.

    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters Name: AutoShareServer Data Type: REG_DWORD Value: 0
    **If you can't find the value in the registry under the exact location (i.e. it does not exist) - please right click in the right pane of the window and create it.

    2. reboot is necessary for this to take effect.
    Note:If you want the administrative shares to be re-created, you can change the value back to 1.

    There are a few concerns to keep in mind:

    **Shares with a $ are hidden shares and thus not visible when requesting the share list of a device.
    **The Home editions do not have the administrative shares enabled. Many third-party firewalls will disable the administrative shares for security reasons. If you have file sharing turned off, this won't work.
    **Admin sharing shouldn't work when we disable files and printer sharing

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